Moving along

As we approach our final days of class I am really starting to understand the program and how it is supposed to be used. It has been a LONGGG road to get to where i am now. I have revised my final logo a number of times and I am still working on perfecting it. It is no easy job being a designer. Sometimes you really need to know how to think outside the box and use your tools the right way to achieve the picture in your head. I am so glad i took this class it has really opened my eyes to all the logos around me. Now I even find myself looking at a commercial orĀ  an add and being like” that was made in illustrator” or ” wow i bet they made that whole commercial using flash” It is truly amazing how made logos or ads are made with 2 programs.


I’ve been really stuck on thinking of creative ways to make my logo and it make it to the companys needs and wants. I need to keep researching and to keep looking at different approaches.

Playing Around with Lines

Getting There

We’ve moved on to lines, I think lines are my favorite. Even though I’ve only done 3 concepts I feel that once I get the hang of the tools and am able to apply color and and really get a feel for how lines can look I will be very good. I am super excited! Right now my favorite line concept that i have done is:


I am a BIG fan of the WARP tool!!